National Biodiversity Monitoring System (NBMS)

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Information system

logo-biodiversity.gifThe information system to the National Biodiversity Monitoring System is developed in accordance with Art. 115, par. 1, p. 10 and 11 of the Biodiversity Act. It is implemented in accordance with sections IV and V of Decree № 2/18.12.2006 on the arrangements for the establishment and operation of the National biodiversity monitoring system.


The goal of the Information system is to provide full and authenticity information from the field monitoring in the frame of the NBMS, which have to be provided when political decisions are made regarding the biodiversity in Bulgaria. More information on the purpose of the Information system...


The Information system to the NBMS is built from the following software components:

- Regional database (BioMon RBD)

- Mobile application for inputting data from implemented monitoring (BioMon Mobile)

- National database (BioMon)

- Internet application for public access (BioMon Public)

- Internet application for registered access (BioMon Web)

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