Information resource title:
    Register of compulsory administrative measures

     Brief description of content:
    Register of compulsory administrative measures contains: number and date of the order, infringer, legislation reasons, undertaken measures

    Available resource formats:

    • MS Office - Word, Excell

    Data original language:  Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:  Bulgarian

    Data access: An official request must be made to the Director of the Black Sea Basin Directorate - Varna,  specifying the required information and the need for this information. 

    Contact person:   Cecka Kostova Vassileva 

 Position  Junior Expert of Administrative Property Department
 Language skills  English
 Town/Village-mail code  Varna - 9000
 Street  33, Alexander Dyakovich Str.
 Telephone  (+ 359 52) 631447
 Fax  (+ 359 52) 63 14 48
Delivered data are current to June 2003