Information resource title:
    System for continous air immission monitoring in village Polski gradetz and system for continous air immission monitoring territory of Heat and power plant "Maritza East 2"

    Brief description of content:
    The information is collected on the base of the law for environmental protection.The database consists of data about village Polski gradetz , monitored indicators  - SO2; NOx;dust;direction;wind speed;solar radiation; T0; Pаtm.
    For Heat and power plant "Maritza East 2" region , watched indicators – SO2; NO; Fen; O3; T0;wind direction and wind speed.

    Available resource formats:
    Database and special  software:

    • For village Polski gradetz- SCANAIR for Windows
    • For Warm electric power plant "Maritza East 2" region – CONVIS for DOS

    Data original language:English

    Languages for information keeping:English


    • Monthly and three-monthly references and analysis on paper carrier in RIEW Stara Zagora

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Director of the Heat and power plant "Maritza east 2”,specifying the required information and the need for this information.

    Contact person: Stefka Marinova Boneva

Position Inspector in environment impact assessment “Public relations”
Language skills russian 
Town/Village-mail code Kovachevo, municipality Radnevo ,district Stara Zagora- 6265
Telephone 042 / 662 600
Fax ( + 359 42) 662 000
Delivered data are current to August 2001