    Information resource title:
    Protocols from measurements of harmful substances emissions in waste waters 

    Brief description of content:
    Contains protocols from control measurements of harmful substances emissions in waste waters, performed by an authorized laboratory and own monitoring. The data cover mainly the organization region.
    Sampling, preparation and analysis are performed from RIEW Stara Zagora.

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier

    Data original language: Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping: Bulgarian

    The above information is used for:

    • Working out report about environmental impact assessment by a team of indipendent experts

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Director of the Heating-Kazanlak, specifying the required information and the need for this information.

    Contact person: Nedjalko Radnev

Position  Head department  
 Town/Village-mail code  Kazanlak
 Street  42, Tzar Osvoboditel Str.
 Telephone  (+359 431)  37216
 Fax  (+359 431) 62056
 E-mail   office@heatkz.bg
Delivered data are current to August 2001