Register of protected areas in Bulgaria

Final result

Noshtuvka Na Malak Kormoran - Dimitrovgrad   (Unique identification code in the register: 455)

Category: Protected Site


Map of the object
Digital boundaries - WGS 84, UTM 35N (shp)

Digital boundaries are with the current status

Area: 128.24 hectares

District: Haskovo, Municipality: Dimitrovgrad, Locality: Dimitrovgrad, Radievo

Falls in the territory of the following Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEW):
Haskovo - ul."Dobrudja",bl. 14, et.1

Ordinance for announcement:
Ordinance No.РД-539 from 12.07.2007 539-2007

Aims of the declaration:
1. Protection of parts of the Maritsa river valley, remnants of floodplain riparian forests, representing a habitat, resting and aggregation place during the migration of the pygmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus)
2. Protection of protected animal species, such as: Podiceps auritus, Bittern, Accipiter brevipes, Falco subbuteo, otter and others.;

Current prohibitions and regimes:
1. It is prohibited any kind of construction, except : places for observing the birds, maintenance and treatment activities of the existing water land installations;
2. It is prohibited felling, except with the purpose to remove nonresidential species and origins, planned in the General Structure Plan/Projct for sections 22 and 665, from april to october;
3. It is prohibited afforestation with nonresidential species and origins, except with planned the Forest Managing Plan for sections 22 and 665;
4. It is prohibited hunting and shooting;
5. It is prohibited new corrections of the river bank and other activities, which can lead to change the hydrological regime of Mritsa river;
6. It is prohibited confiscation of inert materials, except confiscation which is , което се извършва по силата на издадените до момента на влизане на тази заповед в сила разрешителни от Басейнова дирекция за управление на водите - Източно-Беломорски район, Пловдив.

Overlapping (partial or full):
PZ under the Habitat Directive: Reka Maritsa

Questions on the content: biomon@eea.government.bg, phone: 00359 2 940 64 73


Technical issues: it@eea.government.bg


Last update of the web application: 01.08.2011
The data in the registry are updated regularly


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