Information resource title:
    Natonal Automated System for Environment Monitoring/NASEM/,Subsystem"Surface water", Danube river basin

    Brief description of content:
    The ratinale for information collecting: The Convention on Co-operation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River (Convention on the Protection of the Danube river).
    The database includes information about: physico-chemical indicators for surface water quality and water environment status in the surface water body. In all the stations and points from the international monitoring network of Danube river environment status and its inflows are measured the following indicators:water lowtide, water amount and water temperature, hydrogen indicator, dissolved oxygen, electro conductivity, permanganate oxidation, biochemical oxygen need, chemical oxygen need, nitrogen indicators, phosphorus, suspended and unsuspended substances, sulfates, chlorides, metals, polycyclic aromatic carbons, others.
    Organization of data collecting: RIEW - Montana, Vratza, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo and Russe are sending the results from  the carried out  monitoring in the central database in EEA, from where they are forwarded to the database of International monitoring network for Danube river

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier
    • Magnetic carrier - Excel

    Data original language:Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:Bulgarian


    • Annual report for environment status in Danube basin, published by ICPDR

    Internet publications:

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Executive Director of the Agency, 
    specifying the required information and the need for this information. 

    Contact person: Mihail Mollov

     Position  Head of Sector, Water Department, Environmental Monitoring Directorate
     Language skills  English, Russian
     Town/Village-mail code  Sofia - 1618
     Street 136, Tzar Boris III Blvd., PO Box 256
     Telephone  (+359 2) 955 98 18
     Fax  (+359 2)  955 90 15
Delivered data are current to November 2008