Information resource title:
    National Automated System for Environment monitoring
    Subsystem:”Forest ecosystems"

    Brief description of content:
    The database includes informationn with forest ecosystems monitoring results, taken in respect of the requirements of International programme about collaborationfor assessment and monitoring of air pollution effects  on forests, level1 - parameters for head status, leaves analyses, soils analses, characteristics of constant sample areas for monitoring.
    Measured indicators: Head status according to affirmed five degree (level) international scale for assessment, leaves analyses /macro and micro elements content defning /phytocentric observations - for phytoindicators are defined indexes indicated in “leaves analyses”.
    soil analses: pH, organic ccarbon, nitrogen, macro and micro elements, cover analysis - the same indicators as for soil analyses, dendromethric measuremens.
    For forest fund of Bulgaria is developed network with size 16/16km, associated with European coordinate system, in the crossing points are organized constant sample areas for monitoring

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier
    • Oracle database-only for parameters "head status"
    • Magnetic carrier-Word,Excel

    Data original language: Bulgarian,english

    Languages for information keeping: Bulgarian,english

    Summarized data published as assessments or analsesin:

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Executive Director of the Agency,specifying the required information and the need for this information(for bulgarian users) and also to Proggramme coordination centre of International programme for collaboration for assessment and monitoring of air pollution effects  on forests(for foreign users) in which have to be described  the objectives for which the data will be used. 
    Report can be made by conventional regions of separating of forest fund in respect of observig of International programme about collaborationfor assessment and monitoring of air pollution effects  on forests

    Contact person: Penka Stoichkova

Position Senior expert in department “Lands,forests and protected areas”, Directorate ”Monitoring and sustainable develpment”
Language skills English, Russian
Town/Village-mail code Sofia-1618
Street 136, Tzar BorisIII Blvd., PO box 256
Telephone (+359 2) 955 98 11
Fax (+359 2) 955 90 15
Delivered data are current to November 20082012/01/24 03:49:07.883 GMT+2