Information resource title:
    National Automated System for Environmental monitoring
    Subsystem: "Waste", functional subsystem "Solid Waste"

    Brief description of content:
    The database includes information about 391 dumps (working or closed dumps for solid waste and specialized dumps for building waste and earth masses) - reported data for locality, served population, amount of collected and disposed solid and building waste, formation sources, morphological waste composition.
    The municipality administrations report data for dumps and solid waste by filling up informational maps - reports. The data from 15 RIOSV are received in EEA on paper carrier after being controlled and certified by the respective RIEW; the data by 6 RIEW are delivered to EEA also through specially developed programme product Managing the information,assessments and analyses are performed by EEA.
    The reports can be done by RIOSV, districts, municipality, urban places for amounts of generated solid and building waste, waste treatment, dumps and way of exploitation

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier
    • Database- Oracle, DBASE and specially developed softaware for work with it

    Data original language: Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping: Bulgarian


    Internet publications:
    • Anual bulletin of Evironmental Executive Agency
    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Executive Director of the Agency, 
    specifying the required information for a particular occasion or object and the need for this information. 

    Contact person: Keti Jankova

Position Senior expert in department "Waste", Directorate "Environmental Monitoring"
Language skills Russian, Geraman
Town/Village-mail code Sofia - 1618
Street 136, Tzar Boris III Blvd., PO Box 256
Telephone (+359 2) 9559415, 9406415
Fax (+359 2) 9559015
Delivered data are current to november 2008