Information resource title:
    National Automated System for Environmental monitoring
    Subsystem:Air quality control

    Brief description of content:
    The database includes primary information about Air quality control in the country-maximum single concentrations(1h or 30 min) of the controlled pollutants. With an additional statistical development the primary information is reduced to daily, monthly and annually concentrations used for assessment  of air quality control.98 and 99 percentil amd median are calculated.
    The concentrations of the following pollutants are analyzed: dust, PM10, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,carbon oxide, hydrogen sulphide, ozone, ammonia, chlorine and hydrogen chloride, sulphuric acid aerosols, heavy metals, methane and non-methan hydrocarbons.
    The concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, PM10, ozone and lead aerosols are in ?g/m3, according to the new regulations 8 and 9.The other concentrations are in mg/m3.
    The data from measurements  of air quality come in National database by telex,telephoneradio connectionon paper carrier or on magnetic carrier(manually filling up) with a different periodicity from on-line in five working days time depends on punkts type and built up communications.
    According to ministry decree 50/16.03.94 there are 14 hot spots in Bulgaria  in respect of air quality which are covered by the monitoring network

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier
    • Database- Oracle, DBASE and specially developed softaware for work with it
    • Magnetic carrier-Word,Excel

    Data original language: Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping: Bulgarian


    •  Annual bulletin of Environmental Executive Agency
    • Three-month bulletin of of Environmental Executive Agency
    • Six-monthBulgarian-roumanian bulletin 
    • Greenbook of Ministry of Environment and Water

    Internet publications:
    • Daily bulletin for air quality in the country
    • Annual bulletin of of Environmental Executive Agency
    • Three-month bulletin of of Environmental Executive Agency

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Executive Director of the Agency, 
    specifying the required information and the need for this information. The 
    daily measurements protocols are available for public access in the Agency on 
    the last Thursday of each month

    Contact person: Evelina Svetoslavova Nikolova

Position Head of Sector in Air Department, Environmental Monitoring Directorate, Executive Environment Agency
Language skills English, Russian
Town/Village-mail code Sofia - 1618
Street 136, Tzar Boris III Blvd., PO Box 256
Telephone (+359 2) 955 98 11
Fax (+359 2) 9559015
Delivered data are current to November 2008