Information resource title:
    National Automated System for Environmental Monitoring, Subsystem: "Radiological environmental monitoring"

    Brief description of content:
    The data-base contains information on the results of the radiological monitoring of the components of the environment - atmospheric air, soils, water, as well as the results of the radiological control of the raw materials and waste products in regions of potential polluters - APS, uranium mines and processing factories, sites of the mining and thermal energy industries.

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier
    • Magnetic carrier - Word, Excell
    • Database - (MS SQL Server 2000) specially developed softaware for work with it

    Data original language:Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:Bulgarian, English


    • Annual report for the state of environment in Bulgaria (Green Book)
    • Annual bulletin for the state of environment in Bulgaria
    • Three-month bulletin for the state of environment in Bulgaria
    • Bulletin for the state of the environment of the common Bulgarian and Romanian section of the Danube river

    Internet publications:

    Data access:

    • An official request must be made to the Executive Director of the Agency, 

    • specifying the required information and the need for this information. 

    Contact person: Hristina Halachliyska

    Position  Head of Ionization and Non-Ionization Radiation Sector, Environmental Monitoring Directorate
    Language skills  English, Russian
    Town/Village-mail code  Sofia - 1618
    Street   136, Tzar BorisIII Blvd., PO Box 251
    Telephone  (+359 2) 955 98 44, 9406443
    Fax  (+359 2) 9559015
Delivered data are current to November 20082012/01/24 03:49:07.883 GMT+2