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    Information resource title:
    National Automated System for Environment Monitoring/NASEM/, Subsystem "Waste", Functional subsystem"Construction waste"

    Brief description of content:
    The database includes information about 35 dumps for construction waste and land-reported data for locality,amount of collected and disposed construction waste,generating sources.
    Organization of data collecting:
    Municipality administrations reported data for dumps and waste(construction) through filling in informative maps - reports.The data from 15 RIEWs are received in EEA on paper carrier after inspecting and certifing by the relevant RIEW. Data from 6 RIEW are delivered to EEA.
    The information is on level: country, district, RIEW, municipality,towns and villages.
    Data entering through specially developed programme product,information development, assessments and analysis are performed by EEA
     The following reports can be made:

       -amounts of generated construction waste;
       -teated waste amounts;
       -dumps number and type;

    Data original language:Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:Bulgarian


      Annual report for environment status, published by EEA

    Data access:

    • An official request must be made to the Executive Director of the Agency, 

    • specifying the required information and the need for this information. 
    • By client request is possible data deliver in EXCEL format

    Contact person: Keti Yankova
Position Major expert in Department "Waste", Directorate "Environmental Monitoring"
Language skills Russian, German
Town/Village-mail code Sofia - 1618
Street 136, Tzar Boris III" Blvd., PO Box 256
Telephone (+359 2) 9406413
Fax (+359 2) 9559015
Delivered data are current to september 2007