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    Information resource title:
    Harmful substances emission in atmosphere

    Brief description of content:
    Centre for energy efficiency in industry performs energy studies and analysis of warn technical and electrical equipments aimed at energy consumption reducing and environmental protection. CEEI is founded in 1995 with a technical assisstence of Japanese agency for international cooperation Dzhaika.
    The main centre activities are directed at :

    • Combustion processes adaptation in steam and warm heating boilers, furnaces and others with gas analyzers.
    • Condense economy investigation. Determining condense pots status with tester
    • Temperature measurings with contact and radiation thermometers, thermpairs, sucking pyrometer.
    • Surface temperatures photographing and analysis of warm loaded targets and equipments with thermvision camera
    • Leakage detection in underground steam conduits with ultra sound detector and thermvision camera
    • Detection of water, steam and gas consumption amount with ultra sound debitometer, velocity measuring pipe, parometer, whirlmeasure debitometer, Pito pipe
    • Water Conductivity and acidity defining
    • Various electric parameters measuring with combined apparatus 
    The energy measurements and analyses are performed with the help of specialized programme products and contemporary Japanese apparatuses, mounted on specialized autobus, given up by Dzhaika.
    The centre activities are submitted to the idea about - energy efficiency with minimun consumptions

    Data original language:  Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:  Bulgarian

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Director of the Centre for Energy Efficiency in Industry, specifying the required information and the need for this information

    Contact person:   Dobrin Oreshkov

Position  Director
 Town/Village-mail code  Sofia
 Street  2, Triaditza Srt.
 Telephone  (+359 2) 986 76 54
 Fax  (+359 2) 980 00 19
Delivered data are current to August 2001