Information resource title:
    • Permissions for healing plants yield
    • Permitted healing plants with quotas; statements
    Brief description of content:
    The data are collected on the base of: environment protection law, protected areas law, healing plants law , Convention for the Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora, Convention for biological diversity, Conventions for wetlands, directive 79/409/ЕЕС for  wild birds preservations, others

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier
    • Magnetic carrier - Word
    • Map material

    Data original language:   Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:   Bulgarian

    Data access:
    The information is provided in accordance with the Law on Access to Public  Information. An official request must be made to the Director of the RIEW,  specifying the required information and the need for this information. 

    Charges for providing information according to method of provision are  specified in Regulation 10 of the Ministry of Finance, effective 10.01.2001. 

    Results from measurements/inspections in case of contracts with clients are  delivered only to the client. Safeguarding of commercial secrets is  guaranteed with the signature of all the laboratory's employees  with reference to the laboratory's accreditation, and in accordance with  the Declaration for confidentiality of commercial information. 

    Contact person:  Dimitar Georgiev Stoev

     Position  Head department National park "Vitosha"
     Town/Village-mail code  Sofia
     Street  22, Maria LuizaBlvd., 1 floor
     PO Box 332
     Telephone  (+ 359 2) 988 56 76
     Fax  (+ 359 2) 988 56 76

    Contact person:   Penka Angelova Stoyanova

 Position  Head department environment control "Sofia"
 Town/Village-mail code  Sofia
 Street  136, Tzar Boris III Blvd., X floor
 PO Box 332
 Telephone  (+ 359 2) 55 70 75
 (+ 359 2) 940 6440
 Fax  (+ 359 2) 955 93 62

          Contact person:   Milcho Iordanov Tzatzov

 Town/Village-mail code  Pernik
 Street  15, Blagoi Gebrev Str.
 Telephone  (+ 359 76) 670 270
 Fax  (+ 359 76) 670 260
Delivered data are current to August 2001