    Information resource title:
    Information associated with environment components-waste:Report about hazardous waste, generated in "Heating-Bourgas" Report about industrial waste, generated in "Heating-Bourgas" during the reporting year" 

    Brief description of content:
    Reports for production and hazardous waste, including:

      1. Enterprise Characteristics (ownership, major production);
      2. Production characteristics, generated waste (name, regime, major consumed raw materials);
      3. Waste characteristics (name, code, amount, physical status, properties, way of treatment
    The informative maps are filled in annually on the base of reported data according to RIEW - Bourgas requirements.
    Organization, control and assessment are performed by heat plant administrative body and particularly - head department "Production - technical department"

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier
    • Magnetic carrier- Word, Excell

    Data original language:Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:Bulgarian

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Director of “Heating– Bourgas”,specifying the required information and the need for this information.

    Contact person: Tatjana Ducheva 

 Position  Head of “Manufacturing – technical department”
 Language skills  Russian, ukrainian ,english
 Town/Village-mail code  Bourgas-8000
 PO Box 642
 Telephone  (+359 56 ) 056 / 87 11 23
 Fax  (+359 56 ) 871 101
 E-mail   Оffice@dhc-bs.com
Delivered data are current to August 2001