Information resource title:
    Reporting book about production and hazardous waste

    Brief description of content:
    The information is collected on the base of environment protection law.The reporting book includes information about production waste,disposed on the Heat and power plant ”Russe-West” area and transported to the city dump

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier

    Data original language:Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:Bulgarian


    • Reporting book

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Director of the Heating-Russe, specifying the required information and the need for this information.

    Contact person: Tanya Antonova Paneva

Position Responsible person for waste transportation
Language skills German
Town/Village- mail code Russe-7002
Street st.”Borimechka” №  43, p.b.34
Telephone (082) 27-77-92
Fax 23-60-91
E-mail  none
Delivered data are current to August 2001