Information resource title:
    MOEW,RIOSV-protocols from target examination 

    Brief description of content:

    • Emission analysis of hazardous substances , discharged in atmosphere.
    • Рaзчет emissions for SO2,  Nox and dust
    • Measuring results for equivalent noise level
    • Results for examination of process water
    The measurements are performed on the Southwest part region of Samokov town , quarter Samokov.
    Samples picking up , preparation and anyleses are performed by RIOSV - Sofia.
    Organization , coordination ,control and assessment are performed by MOEW

    Available resource formats:

    • Paper carrier

    Data original language:Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:Bulgarian

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to the Director of the Heating-Samokov, specifying the required information and the need for this information.

    Contact person: Nadezhda Nikolaevna Alexsieva

Position Head department and responsible for sanitary and safety work condtions and environment and water protection
Language skills Russian
Town/Village- mail code Samokov -2003
Street st.”Tzar Simeon” 56
Telephone (+359 722) 223-01
Fax (+359 722) 211-53
E-mail  none
Delivered data are current to August 2001