
European Biodiversity Partnership Project (Biodiversa+)

Project No 101052342 "European Biodiversity Partnership" (Biodiversa plus)

Biodiversa+ is a European Biodiversity Partnership that supports and coordinates research programmes between the EU and its Member States and Associated Countries, mobilising environmental authorities as key partners for biodiversity research and innovation, together with ministries and environmental agencies.

The partnership has been developed jointly by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation and DG Environment) as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and will contribute to the ambition of "Europe's nature restored by 2030 and people living in harmony with nature by 2050".

The partnership officially launched on 1 October 2021 and has a deadline of 30 September 2028.

It currently brings together 74 environmental policy institutions from 36 European and associated countries working on 5 main objectives:

    1. Planning and supporting biodiversity research and innovation through a common strategy, annual joint calls for research projects and capacity building activities;

    2. Creating a network of harmonised schemes to improve biodiversity monitoring and ecosystem services in Europe;

    3. Contribute to high-tech knowledge for the implementation of environmentally friendly solutions and biodiversity assessment in the private sector;

    4. Provide effective science-based support for policy development and implementation in Europe;

    5. Increase the relevance and impact of pan-European biodiversity research in a global context.



Strategic Research and Innovation Programme



Leading programmes

Participation of EEA in the Biodiversa+ project



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