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Document Actions

National responses

 Topic: freshwater

- Providing good quality of surface water and groundwater;

- Providing good quality of water for population;

- Perceptions of service for drinking water as a service with high social significance;

- Perception of water as an element of national security.

Policy context and solution and actions taken by the country

Due to the geographical location, specific atmospheric circulation and landscape structure, the water balance in Bulgaria is unfavorable. Concerning water resources per capita, Bulgaria takes the bottom position on the Balkan Peninsula. Bulgaria also faces serious challenges, mainly related to the location of Bulgaria in the dry area in relation to global climate change, unequal distribution of water resources in its territory, high degree of amortisation of water supply systems and low level of building of sewerage systems. Long-term priorities are a reduction of the negative effects of the increasing air temperature and decreasing rainfall. Building of the sewerage and wastewater treatment plants lags in comparison to building of the water supply system, and many aquatic ecosystems in Bulgaria are still at risk.

Key objectives in public policy in the long term are:

  • 1. Providing good quality of surface water and groundwater;
  • 2. Providing good quality of water for population;
  • 3. Perceptions of service for drinking water as a service with high social significance;
  • 4. Perception of water as an element of national security.

The measures to ensure the good condition of surface and groundwaters, good ecological potential for artificial and heavily modified water bodies are:

  • Construction by 31 December 2010 of sewerage systems and treatment plants for urban wastewater for cities over 10 000 inhabitants,(???????)and construction by 31 December 2014 of sewerage systems and treatment plants for urban wastewater for cities over 2000 to 10 000 inhabitants;
  • Reduction of water pollution in the Black Sea as a result of anthropogenic eutrophication emissions of harmful substances and petroleum products;
  • Sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources, conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems and sustainable development of aquaculture.

Measures to ensure the necessary water quantity and quality for the population, aquatic ecosystems and the economy and reduce the impact of floods and droughts in the context of global climate change are:

Document Actions