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Danube Region Basin Directorate, Pleven

Brief description of content | Available resource formats | Access | Contact person |

Information resource title:
Permits of water use/water body use according to the Water Act

Brief description of content:
The Permits of water use/water bodies include the following information (in accordance with Article 56 (1) of the Water Act):

  • name, place of residence, and citizenship of the water user or [water body] user, if a natural person; company name and registered office, if a legal person;
  • Standard Public Registry Personal Number, if a natural person, or standard identification number, if a legal person;
  • purpose of use;
  • water body, water development system or facility for water use, locality, political unit, code according to the uniform classifier of nucleated settlements;
  • point of water abstraction, water quantity, place of water use or [water body] use;
  • maximum water use;
  • layout and spatial boundaries of the water body or of the part thereof which is allocated for use, as well as the conditions for water use or [water body] use;
  • technical parameters for operation of the water systems and facilities;
  • location of discharge of waste waters or mode of removal of return flow, indicating the quantity and quality of the waters discharged or removed, as the case may be;
  • individual emission limit values and other conditions and requirements imposed on the holder of the permit regarding the protection of waters, the water body, and the environment;
  • target dates for commencement and completion of construction;
  • effective date and expiry date of the permit;
  • obligation to instal the required metering devices to measure the abstracted and discharged water quantities;
  • obligation to measure ground water table heights;
  • conditions for control and controlling authority;
  • places and pattern of common use of waters in water reservoirs;
  • other conditions.
  • Available resource formats:

    • MS Office - Word, Excell
    • Paper and magnetic carrier

    Data original language:

    • Bulgarian

    Languages for information keeping:

    • Bulgarian

    Data access:
    An official request must be made to Central Balkan National Park Directorate, Gabrovo, specifying the required information

    Contact person:  Petya Toshkova Ivanova

    Position Expert ” Control, relations with other institutions and informing of the public”Department
    Town/Village-mail code Pleven - 5800
    Street 1, Vassil Levski Str., 16 floor, PO Box 1237
    Telephone (+ 359 64) 885-132
    Fax (+ 359 64) 803-342

    | Executive Environment Agency | Delivered data are current to June 2005 |