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Central Balkan National Park Directorate, Gabrovo

Brief description of content | Available resource formats | Access | Contact person |

Information resource title:
A/Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park
B/High Mountain Treeless Zone of the Central Balkan National Park. Biological Diversity and Problems of its Conservation

Brief description of content:
A/Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park – includes the collected, summarized and analyzed scientific data from field studies. Included are all the authors’ reports of the scientific team leaders referring to all the results and assessments from the surveys of the biodiversity of the Park (GEF – Project for Biodiversity Conservation in Bulgaria)
B/High Mountain Treeless Zone of the Central Balkan National Park. Biological Diversity and Problems of Its Conservation – survey of the biological biodiversity, assessment of the qualities and productivities of the high-mountain pastures and meadows and making recommendations for their management (Bulgarian – Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme)

Available resource formats:

  • MS Office 2000

Data original language:

  • Bulgarian, English

Languages for information keeping:

  • Bulgarian, English


  • A/Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park
  • B/High Mountain Treeless Zone of the Central Balkan National Park. Biological Diversity and Problems of Its Conservation

Data access:
An official request must be made to Central Balkan National Park Directorate, Gabrovo, specifying the required information

Contact person:  Anton Hristov Stanchev
Position Head of Monitoring and Conservation of the Resources Department
Town/Village-mail code Gabrovo - 5300
Street 3, Bodra smqna Str., PO Box 80
Telephone +359 66 801 277
+359 801 285
Fax +359 66 801 277

| Executive Environment Agency | Delivered data are current to June 2005 |