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Central Balkan National Park Directorate, Gabrovo

Brief description of content | Available resource formats | Access | Contact person |

Information resource title:
Record of public procurement orders and contracts signed

Brief description of content:
The record includes data about contract contents, contractor

Available resource formats:

  • Hard copy

Data original language:

  • Bulgarian

Languages for information keeping:

  • Bulgarian

Data access:
An official request must be made to Central Balkan National Park Directorate, Gabrovo, specifying the required information

Contact person:  Anton Hristov Stanchev
Position Head of Monitoring and Conservation of the Resources Department
Language skills -
Town/Village-mail code Gabrovo - 5300
Street 3, Bodra smqna Str., PO Box 80
Telephone +359 66 801 277
+359 801 285
Fax +359 66 801 277

| Executive Environment Agency | Delivered data are current to June 2005 |