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Ministry of Environment and Water
Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Blagoevgrad

Brief description of content | Available resource formats | Access | Contact person |

Information resource title:
EIA report or the ecological part of the plan/program

Brief description of content:
The environmental assessment report shall include information corresponding to the level of detail of the plan or programme and to the methods of assessment employed. The environmental assessment report shall mandatory contain: an outline of the main objectives of the plan or programme and relationship with other relevant plans and programmes; the current state of the environmental media and factors, referred to in Articles 4 and 5 herein, and the likely evolution thereof without implementation of the plan or programme; the environmental characteristics of areas likely to be significantly affected; the existing environmental problems ascertained at different levels which are relevant to the plan or programme including, in particular, those relating to any areas of a particular environmental importance; the environmental protection objectives, established at national and international level, which are relevant to the plan or programme and the way those objectives and any environmental considerations have been taken into account during preparation of the said plan or programme; the likely significant effects on the environment, including the environmental media and factors referred to in Articles 4 and 5 herein and the interrelationship between them; the measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and, as fully as possible, offset any significant adverse effects on the environment resulting from implementation of the plan or programme; an outline of the reasons for selecting the alternatives dealt with, and a description of how the assessment was undertaken, including any difficulties (such as technical deficiencies or lack of know-how) encountered in compiling the required information; a description of the measures envisaged in connection with monitoring during the implementation of the plan or programme; a non-technical summary of the environmental assessment.

Available resource formats:

  • Hard copy
  • MS Office

Data original language:

  • Bulgarian

Languages for information keeping:

  • Bulgarian

Data access:
The information is provided in accordance with the Law on Access to Public Information. An official request must be made to the Director of the RIEW, specifying the required information and the need for this information.
Charges for providing information according to method of provision are specified in Regulation 10 of the Ministry of Finance, effective 10.01.2001.

Contact person:  Eng. Tatiana Georgieva Dukova
Position Head of “Preventative activities” sector
Language skills English
Town/Village-mail code Blagoevgrad - 2700
Street 1, Svoboda Str.
Telephone (+359 73) 88314029
Fax (+359 73) 885158

| Executive Environment Agency | Delivered data are current to June 2005 |