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Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Plovdiv

Brief description of content | Available resource formats | Access | Contact person |

Information resource title:
National Environment Monitoring System, Subsystem “Water control”, Functional subsystem “Underground water control”
Protocols of results from measurements of underground water

Brief description of content:
The database and protocols contains values of analyses of samples of underground water

The water samples of underground water are taken at sites of National system for monitoring of water. The analysis is performed by Regional Laboratory-Plovdiv at Executive Environment Agency. The information of analysis is submitted to RIEW-Plovdiv.

Measured Indicators, Measuring units, Methodologies for measurement
Measured Indicators: Temperature, Activity reaction /pH/, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, electro conductivity, oxidation (permanganate), residium, Chloride ions, Sulphate ions, Ammonium ion, Nitrite ion, Nitrate ion, Ortophosphate (PO4), iron /total/, Calcium, Magnesium, Total hardness, Carbonates, Hydrogencarbonates, Alkalnity, oxidation – reducing potential, Manganese /total/, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Copper, Chromium /trivalent/, Chromium (hexavalent), Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Potassium, Sodium, Mercury.
Measuring units: µS/cm, %, mg/dm3 , mgeq/dm3, eV, 0C.
Methodologies for measurement: in accordance with the requirements for accredited laboratory corresponding to BDS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2001
Description of measuring instruments
Spectrophotometer UV/VIS Lambda 2S PERKIN ELMER
MW digestion system MILESTONE
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer UNICAM 939
Portable WTW pH LF 196
Conductometer portable WTW LF 196
Analytical scales А200 S SARTORIUS
Portable WTW Oxi 196
Spectrophotometer SQ118

Available resource formats:

  • Paper carrier
  • MS Office - Word
  • Database - Dbase 3+, Sybase
  • specially developed software

Data original language:

  • Bulgarian

Languages for information keeping:

  • Bulgarian


Data access:
The information is provided in accordance with the Law on Access to Public Information. An official request must be made to the Director of the RIEW, specifying the required information and the need for this information.

Charges for providing information according to method of provision are specified in Regulation 10 of the Ministry of Finance, effective 10.01.2001.

Contact person:  Ilia Angelov Dichev
Position Head of Water Department
Language skills Russian
Town/Village-mail code Plovdiv – 4000
Street 122, Maritsa blvd.
Telephone (+ 359 32) 63-11-89
Fax ( +359 32) 62 89 94

Contact person:  Pavlina Krasteva, Margarita Chakarova
Position Major expert
Language skills Russian
Town/Village-mail code Plovdiv – 4000
Street 122, Maritsa blvd.
Telephone (+ 359 32) 64-32-45
Fax ( +359 32) 64-32-45

| Executive Environment Agency | Delivered data are current to June 2005 |