Reports, Bulletins

As a specialised body of the Ministry of Environment and Waters the EEA issues:

  • Three-month bulletin for the state of environment in Bulgaria
    The bulletin is a publication of the National System for Environmental Monitoring. It includes data from samples and analyses carried out by the Regional Environmental Inspectorates, EEA and National Hydrometeorological Institute.
  • Bulletin for the state of the environment of the common Bulgarian and Romanian section of the Danube river - it is being prepared by teams from the Bulgarian Executive Environmental Agency and the Romanian National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection - ICIM Bucharest.
  • Annual report for the state of environment in Bulgaria (Green Book) - prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Waters, Executive Environmental Agency and Regional Environmental Inspectorates. The data for the report is provided by the National Automated System for Environmental Monitoring, Ministry of Environment and Waters, Executive Environmental Agency, Regional Environmental Inspectorates and the National Statistical Institute. This is a publication announcing the policy and activities of the Ministry of Environment and Waters and it's bodies for improving the environment.

Daily Bulletin for Air Quallity

Last recorded exceedances of the alarm thresholds for NO2, SO2 and O3

Daily Bulletin for Radiological Situation


National State of the Environment Report

Information for landfills and waste treatment facilities

CORINE Land Cover 2000 Project

CORINE Land Cover 2006 Project

CORINE News Release

National Biodiversity Monitoring System

Register of protected areas in Bulgaria

E-PRTR - European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

Step It Up 2007

Resources for the Future


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   Last actualization of the page: 24.01.2012.